Homes in development

Wood View

We are proposing to redevelop a former garage site in Wood View, Hemel Hempstead to provide 9 new homes.

Last year we consulted with residents in the area regarding proposals for a new affordable housing development at Wood View. Since then, we have been working on developing the design and making amendments to the proposals, taking into consideration the feedback received from residents and other stakeholders. We appreciate that there are concerns locally and we will seek to address these where it is practical to do so.  Take a look at what we have done to address concerns here.

Because of the current social distancing rules, we can’t hold another drop-in consultation event to discuss our plans with you in person. But you can still have your say! Take a look at the proposals and share your thoughts with us by filling in our feedback form right here.

Responding to your feedback

Parking provision for the new homes 

We appreciate that parking is an important matter and we have looked again at the site layout and are now proposing to include an additional parking space giving a total of 18 off-street spaces, of which four are shown as visitor parking.  This provision exceeds the Council’s planning policy requirements by four spaces.


Independent Parking Survey

Parking surveys have been carried out and it has been determined the new development would be adequately absorbed without detriment to road safety, capacity or neighbouring amenity.


Highway Safety

We also listened to your concerns regarding access from Manscroft Road.  This has been re-designed following outcomes from an independent traffic survey and feedback from Herts Highways and will provide improved visibility for 30m in each direction from the proposed new road junction access.   Additionally, we are putting forward an amended layout for the new parking court off of Manscroft Road to allow for a full turning circle within the parking court to facilitate safe forward travel onto the roadway. A revised site plan illustrating these changes is shown below. 


Density and number of new homes

The main change has been the reduction in the number of units from 11 down to 9 units.  The key driver for this change was to reduce the impact of the proposed development on the existing trees to the north of the site.  


Block A (East / Wood View side of site)

As a result, block A has been substantially reduced in size, with two units removed from the north of the block, and the overall width of the building footprint has been reduced.  To better reflect neighbouring building styles, block A is now shown with a pitched roof.


Tree and Wildlife Protection

Our approach to both tree and wildlife protection measures has been informed by updated independent surveys. As mentioned above, the reduction in size of block A and also block B, means that they will be sited further away from the site boundary with Home Wood and therefore further from the tree line to minimise encroachment into the root protection zones. Further survey work will be undertaken once site clearance has taken place to inform design of the building foundations to mitigate any impact on the existing trees to be retained on site or in the neighbouring Home Wood.  

In addition to this, we also propose to plant new trees around the proposed parking court on Manscroft Road to replace the small number of trees that are proposed for removal in the grassed area between Manscroft Road and existing garage forecourt.


We have listened to your feedback regarding privacy and adjusted our design to make all habitable spaces (bedrooms / living spaces) within the units face to the north side in both blocks (i.e. towards Home Wood). Kitchens and bathrooms will be located on the south side of each block and obscured glazing will be provided where appropriate.  To avoid overlooking concerns, bay privacy windows have been removed from the south elevation.

Bin storage and collection

In accordance with best practice, bin stores remain external and have been located on the boundary; they will be covered and secure. 

During construction

Our contractor will put together a Construction Management Plan and this will include specific information about the management of construction traffic, vehicle and pedestrian movements at each stage of construction. Relavent information will be made available to local residents throughout the construction programme. 

The proposed new homes

Who will own and manage the new homes?

The new homes will be owned and managed by Watford Community Housing.   Watford Community Housing owns and manages over 5,000 homes and works in partnership with local authorities across South-West Hertfordshire to develop new properties.  By working closely with residents and the local area, we provide high-quality services which improve everyday life.  We are committed to working closely with residents to ensure we deliver high quality homes and services.  


Who will live in the new homes?

We will let the new homes for affordable rent to applicants registered on the Dacorum Borough Council housing waiting list.  Dacorum Borough Council manages a choice-based lettings system which allows applicants to bid for homes through ‘Moving with Dacorum’.


Dacorum Borough Council’s housing allocation policy can be viewed here.