About us

Publications & reports

We are committed to being open and transparent about what we do and how we are performing. Every year we publish information on the work we’ve done.

Annual reports

Every year we put together a report for residents on how we’re doing. Our annual report provides information on how we are performing against our goals and what we’ve done throughout the year to improve our services, deliver better homes and enhance communities.

There is a dedicated website for our annual report – you can read it here.

The report is published ahead of our Annual General Meeting, which is held in September. If you would like a printed copy of the report, you can request one by emailing communications@wcht.org.uk or calling 0800 218 2247.

You can also read our previous annual reports, to see our journey across the years:

Annual report 2019/2020

Annual report 2018/2019

Annual report 2017/2018

Corporate plans

Our business plan sets out our longer term objectives and how we intend to achieve them.

Find out more about our 2020-2025 business plan and our suite of supporting strategies here.

Financial statements & value for money

Our annual financial statements give in-depth information on our financial performance. You can read our latest financial reports here:

Financial Statements 2019/2020

Financial Statements 2018/2019

Financial Statements 2017/2018

We are committed to delivering value for money in all our activities, so that we can continue to improve our services and build much-needed affordable homes. You can find out more about how we do this in our Value for Money Strategy:

Value for Money Strategy


Our business plan sets out our longer term objectives and how we intend to achieve them.

Find out more about our 2020-2025 business plan and our suite of supporting strategies here.