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Exchange your home

Swapping homes using the mutual exchange service is a great way to move to somewhere that’s perfect for you.

If you’re a secure tenant who would like to move somewhere else in the country or into a home that better suits your needs, you might be interested in a mutual exchange. A mutual exchange allows you to remain a housing association tenant whilst moving to a home that’s the right size and location for you.

Using the Homeswapper website, you can find and contact other tenants from across the UK who could be interested in swapping with you. Once you think you’ve found the right swap, you can visit the property to check it out, and then we’ll help you to complete the exchange.

Registering for Homeswapper is quick and easy, and by taking that first step you could be on your way to moving to your dream home!

Visit Homeswapper now.

If you're ready to apply for a mutual exchange, fill out the form here!