Your neighbourhood

Neighbourhood plans

Our neighbourhood plans, which focus on different community areas each year, give you a chance to have your say about your local area.

Every year, we put together neighbourhood plans for several different community areas. The plans are based on listening to the views of our residents and the things you tell us about your area.

Each plan involves reaching out to residents in a number of different ways with a survey about that area. The feedback we receive from that survey then helps us to shape the services we provide to make real improvements to the neighbourhood.

We find out what you like about your neighbourhood, what you don’t like and what you think we can do to improve the area. We then work to carry out those suggestions and solve any problems in your community.

The neighbourhood plans are then sent to each resident in the area, along with information about local groups, key members of staff for your area and a report of the outcomes of the plan.

Neighbourhood plans for 2018/19

This year, we have focused on three areas: Vicarage, Harebreaks and Sherwoods.

You can see their report documents here:


